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Project Management (IPMA®)

Study Guide for Level D and Basic Certificate (GPM) /
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Dittmann, Karen. (Verfasser); Dirbanis, Konstantin. (Verfasser)
Medienkennzeichen: Sachbuch
Jahr: 2024.
Verlag: München :, Haufe :
Mediengruppe: E-Book


ZweigstelleStandorteStandort 2VorbestellungenFristStatus
Zweigstelle: HEN Standorte: Standort 2: Vorbestellungen: 0 Frist: Status: Verfügbar


The book contains the complete learning content for the IPMA® Level D Certification as well as the GPM Basic Certificate. It offers numerous examples, templates for project management methods and practical tips. It also aims to convey the joy of project management, which – when carried out professionally – is probably one of the most versatile and exciting professions imaginable. The IPMA® (International Project Management Association) defines global standards for professional project management. The three competence areas of the current standard ICB4.0 (Individual Competence Baseline) Perspective (context), People (personal and social) and Practice (methods and technical) provide the certification framework for project managers. The competence-based approach of IPMA® enables the transfer into practice and goes beyond the pure knowledge acquisition of other certifications solely based on tools and methods. In this way, the transfer to everyday project management can be managed successfully. .


Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Dittmann, Karen. (Verfasser); Dirbanis, Konstantin. (Verfasser)
Medienkennzeichen: Sachbuch
Jahr: 2024.
Verlag: München :, Haufe :
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Interessenkreis: Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis KJMP, BUS101000
ISBN: 9783648166291
Beschreibung: 2nd ed. 2024., Textbook for German language market., online resource.
Schlagwörter: Project management., Project Management.
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person SpringerLink (Online service) (Mitwirkender)
Mediengruppe: E-Book